Russian man identified as “Viktor,” who allegedly stormed into a hair salon in the town of Meshchovsk waving a pistol and demanding money. The owner of the shop was a “delicate” 28-year-old woman by the name of Olga. When Viktor tried to take her money, Olga took him by surprise, punched him in the chest, and flipped him onto the ground. She had a black belt in martial arts. Olga bound and gagged Viktor with a hair-dryer chord and dragged him into a storage room. She told the rest of the stunned employees that the police were on the way and instructed them to get back to work. But when her workmates left for the day, the story seemingly took a peculiar turn. Apparently Olga attached Viktor to the radiator with handcuffs covered in pink frills, force fed him Viagra, and repeatedly raped him. After two days of unrelenting sex slavery, Viktor was “squeezed like a lemon.” Once Olga released Viktor he immediately went to the hospital to have his injured genitals nursed back to h...